i live with a ghost

Your loss killed me. But I’m not the ghost. You are.

Every night I go to bed happy knowing I’d get to see you again. But when the morning arrives, my heart feels waves of pain upon waking up and realizing that the life I have lived for seven years has been greatly altered.

I know I have stop thinking that things should go back to how it was. You will never age in my memory but I cannot keep you frozen in time forever.

I have to stop standing on that same spot where you left me. You are no longer here and you are not coming back. The script in my head does not match reality.

I have wished for a time machine countless times. But they told me that if it is the will of the higher power or the universe, the outcome is and will always be the same no matter which course I re-take.

Hence, I am left with only one choice — and that is, to finally let you go. But I cannot. Not yet.

Perhaps in the future…

…but until then, your ghost lingers.

About Phets

Constantly daydreaming to escape reality

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